Monday, December 30, 2019

Why losing your sense of smell in old age is a major red flag

Why losing your sense of smell in old age is a major red flagWhy losing your sense of smell in old age is a major red flagLosing your sense of smell might be an early predictor of death, according to a new study.While a humans sense of smell dissipates with old age, elderly adults who had trouble identifying common scents are apparently knocking on deaths door, having nearly a 50% likelihood of dying within the next 10 years, according to a new studypublished in Annals of Internal Medicine.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreThe findingsResearchers examined more than 2,200 participants between ages 71 and 82 where they were administered a smell test of a dozen common odors that are experienced in daily life.Participants were given multiple choices and were asked to identify the scent, where they were then classified by a ranking system as either good, moderator, or poor based on the ir responses.Researchers found that those with poor olfaction had a 46% higher mortality at year 10 compared to those who were deemed to have a better sense of smell. The study also said those who scored poorly had a 30% more likely chance theyd die after 13 years.It tells us that in older adults, impaired sense of smell has broader implications of health beyond what we have already known, said Honglei Chen, an epidemiologist at Michigan State University. Incorporating a sense of smell screening in routine doctor visits might be a good idea at some point.When analyzing the data, researchers concluded that having a poor sense of smell was linked to deaths from Parkinsons disease, dementia, and chronic kidney disease.The National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders claims smell disorders are caused after recent illness or injury. Common causes of smell disorders include smoking, dental problems, and chemical exposure.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 r ituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Ways to Promote Happiness at Work

5 Ways to Promote Happiness at Work5 Ways to Promote Happiness at WorkI started Monday morning by going to fill my water bottle in the break room. Someone had distribution policyd a Post-it notlagee on the water cooler that read You matter Id never seen anything quite like it at the office. I couldnt help but smile. Someone had brightened my day near the finance department where I sit, and I didnt even know who to thank for this inspirational message of happiness at work.When was the last time you made an effort to improve the workplace happiness of your finance team? Happy employees are good for business. They are more engaged, loyal and productive.Report shows finance professionals could be happierIts an area finance managers shouldnt neglect. In fact, they have room for improvement, according to a new Robert Half report, ITS TIME WE ALL WORK HAPPY. Accounting, financial services and finance professionals scored fairly low in their levels of happiness at work, compared with employe es in other fields.Happiness comes from more than providing a foosball table in the lobby, collaborating with a colleague on a successful project or doling out bonuses. And you dont have to break the bank to make it happen.Find out more about how to build a happier workforce, one job at a time. GET THE REPORTHere are five of my favorite tips finance managers can use to improve happiness at work and make their teams feel appreciated1. Put it in writingA handwritten thank-you to your direct reports, colleagues or boss can be more meaningful than an email. Such an effort requires some stationery, a little extra time to craft and deliver, but is often appreciated by the recipient. Employers need to promote a positive culture that includes recognition and feeling appreciated to attract and retain great people.Fostering positive emotions through gratitude is easy and powerful, says Dr. Christine Carter, author and senior fellow at the University of California, Berkeley. The science on thi s is blazingly clear. There are loads of research studies that show how much higher functioning people are when they feel appreciated by their teams and their manager.Takeaway Feeling appreciated is the biggest driver of happiness in the workplace for accounting professionals, according to the report.2. Conduct a teambuilding eventIt could be a friendly Academy Awards or March Madness competition, an off-site volunteer event, or ropes course. Such activities can help staff learn more about their coworkers and boost morale in the workplace. Make sure its presented as optional or that theres something for everyone not everyone may be a movie buff or sports fan.Takeaway Workers who have a sense of camaraderie at work are 2.5 times more likely to be happy on the job than those who do not get along well with colleagues.Learn more about the anatomy of a happy employee in the infographic, below.3. Have a partyCelebrating coworkers milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, baby showers or good work can build comradery and bring employees together, especially if its for a good cause. Be clear that contributions are voluntary, and remember that happiness comes from more than just a free lunch or annual holiday party. If people dont feel valued by your firm, these perks wont make much of a difference.The key for managers is to express gratitude and to be really specific about the particular effort the employee made, Carter says, because thats when people feel seen and recognized.Takeaway Eighty-nine percent of managers in another Robert Half survey said their organization is good at showing appreciation to employees, while 30 percent of employees gave their firm low marks for it.4. Ask for inspirationTheres no secret ingredient to increasing happiness levels in the office. What works for a small CPA firm might not fly at a larger organization. Sure, you have to pay people well, but creating a great place to work where employees have pride in what they do begins with you.Unless youre a mind reader, youll never know what instills pride and motivation in your employees, until you ask. Then, follow through. Follow-up on that feedback and empower your employees to create a better workplace.Takeaway Salary benchmarks for finance and accounting positions in your city are available at Robert Halfs Salary Center.5. Give them a sense of empowermentEngaging your staff by giving them a chance to make decisions on their own, or with minimal direction, improves workplace happiness by making them feel more valued. Let them flex their creative muscles and influence important decisions in their jobs.Takeaway Only 47 percent of women in the happiness research say they exert influence on the job, compared to 55 percent of men who say the same. At large companies, 35 percent of workers say they have influence.As Todd Henry, founder of Accidental Creative and contributor to the Robert Half report, says, People are most invested in their work when they feel like th ey are part of something larger than themselves.Most studies show that happiness positively impacts the quality and quantity of work - and when you make employee happiness one of your top organizational priorities, its good for your business.If youre still not sure where to start to give your finance team a happiness boost, try a Post-it note, and be happy- Lisa Amstutz Lisa Amstutz Lisa Amstutz is the public relations manager for Robert Half Finance Accounting, the worlds first and largest specialized financial recruitment service. In her role, she translates key business needs and messages into communications strateg ies and develops the companys thought leadership. Shes a master collaborator, storyteller and former journalist. She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she lives with her family.

Friday, December 20, 2019

How to Overcome Your Inexperience at a New Job - The Muse

How to Overcome Your Inexperience at a New Job - The MuseHow to Overcome Your Inexperience at a New Job There are few things more exciting than landing the job of your dreams. There are also few things more heart-stopping than leaving at the end of your first day only to realize youre probably the least experienced person on your team. First things first, lets do a quick pep talk Youre there because youre qualified- dont feel any differently. Now that we got that out of the way, here are some things you can do to catch on quickly and make everyone forget that youre the newbie.1. Always Run Ahead of ScheduleWhen it comes to proving yourself in the workplace, you cant go wrong with always being early (unless you show up, say, two hours before a meeting). By giving yourself this extra time, youre not only making a very physical statement- Im here, Im present, and Im ready to work- but youre also giving yourself time to play catch up if needed. So, get to the office 10 minutes earlier th an youre asked to in the morning and stay 10 minutes later in the evening to get a head start on the next day. Whenever possible, show up to meetings in advance and give yourself some time to grab a seat and look over any related notes before everyone else gets there. Along those preparation lines, turn in projects a day (or more) before theyre due- so that if changes are needed, you wont be behind schedule, and your boss wont look at you like youve very possibly ruined everything. 2. Ask the Right Questions at the Right TimeYour manager and your teammates know that you wont walk in on day one knowing everything. So, youre not only encouraged to ask questions, but in most offices, its expected that you will. (Fun fact Doing this is an easy way to sound smarter) Following up on anything youre unsure about shows that youre proactive and doing your best to get the hang of things as fast as possible. By inquiring throughout your training (and not after a week of trying to figure out how to access the shared drive), youll not only learn faster and waste less time, but youll show that youre actively listening. Pro tip Why? is a completely valid question (assuming you dont ask it like, But whyyyyyyy?). Unlike other ones that pertain to your specific duties, this one shows youre curious about the entire process, and not just your part of it. Right off the bat, it proves youre a big picture thinker whos interested in putting all the pieces together. 3. Ask the Right Person (or Search Engine)When looking for certain answers, try doing the research yourself first (Google is your best friend)- that way, youll be able to approach your manager with as much information as possible. Now, obviously, you shouldnt be searching the internet high and low for in-office processes, but rather industry acronyms youre unfamiliar with that keep getting brought up or people or companies mentioned as major influencers. And if its time to ask a live human being for assistance, think about whom youre approaching Is your boss the right person to be asking about your healthcare policy, or would HR be a better choice? Does your co-worker really understand the project youre designing for another department, or should you contact someone on that team? In general, you always want to gauge your audience. If the person looks busy, keep your questions short- or choose another peer whos more available. And, if he or she seems excited to talk to you, take advantage of the opportunity to ask even more4. Make Yourself as Available as Possible (in the Beginning)Lets start this one with a disclaimer You do not need to be answering emails at 2 AM. Burning out before your first months over is a schwimmbad idea. But rather, you should expect to work longer hours in your first few weeks as you get the swing of things. Not only will you pick up more information, but youll show from the start that youre reliable (even if youre not the most experienced). If a project sounds up your alley ( and you can do it without learning an entirely new skill), volunteer to take it on or help out. Overall, be willing to volunteer for a number of responsibilities, no matter how big or small. For example, be the one to step up and take on more of the busy work- your boss will notice your work ethic and flexibility, and youll be soon be considered for more significant assignments.5. Dont Remind People of Your Age or InexperienceAfter all your hard work, youd hate to ruin your reputation with a joke about how funny it is that you still dont know how to use Excel, or that youre not used to waking up before noon, or how back when you started in marketing, the Twitter founder wasnt even born yet. ansicht comments rarely make people laugh, but rather remind them that you are in fact the new amateur in town.So, rather than kidding around about what you dont know, talk with others about what you recently learned about your job, your company, or even about the industry. Rather than highlight ing areas youre not strong in, this instead points out how eager you are to soak up knowledge. Even when youre speaking more casually, make sure theyre highlighting your competencies, rather than the areas in which youre still lacking.Just because youre inexperienced doesnt mean you cant make a good impression. Use these tips to prove right away that youre a key member of the team- and someone with a lot of potential to do really big and impressive things.How do you overcome your inexperience in a new job? Let me know on Twitter

Sunday, December 15, 2019

15 Must-Ask Tech Interview Questions

15 Must-Ask Tech Interview Questions15 Must-Ask Tech Interview QuestionsMost hiring managers know that they have to look beyond a job candidates technical qualifications when staffing an IT role. Soft skills and initiative, for example, are equally important factors to consider. And to get that kind of insight, youll need to put aside the resumes and come up with a thoughtful set of einstellungsgesprch questions to ask your top candidates. Predictable interview questions like Where do you see yourself in five years? probably wont tell you much. Neither will a series of yes-or-no questions. To determine whether someone is a good fit for the job, you want to draw them out, ask a mix of technical and situational questions, and listen closely to not only what they have to say but how they say it.You want to know if this person has the technical skills and drive to succeed at the job - and the interpersonal skills to thrive on your gruppe? Here are 15 interview questions to help you reac h a decision1. What online resources do you use to help you do your job?Most IT workers turn to websites such as StackExchange or Github when they need help with something. Serious professionals will have their own selection of websites, online communities, social media feeds and other resources specific to their interests. The answer to this question will give you an indication of how engaged the candidate is with the broader IT world.2. How do you keep your technology skills current?Tech professionals work hard to keep their knowledge base current, and they do that by reading blogs and forums, taking online courses, joining hackathons and plugging away at personal IT projects. This interview question can help you gauge the candidates enthusiasm for the profession, as well as open up a conversation about professional development.3. Pretend Im not a tech person. Can you explain a relevant technology in simple terms?IT plays a crucial role in almost every company, so the ability to c ommunicate with non-technical people is a must. You can assess candidates communication skills with this interview question. Do they avoid obscure acronyms and jargon? How well can they break down a complicated process? Try asking a few dumb follow-up questions to get sense of how theyd interact with non-tech colleagues.4. What qualities do you think are most important in a developer or another relevant position?A question like this can reveal how the interviewee feels about the position and what they think they would bring to it. Some people may focus on IT certifications and technical abilities, while others may talk more about herausforderung solving, attention to detail, communication and other general job skills. Look for candidates who give a nice balance of both.5. What three words would your friends use to describe you?The answer can clue you in to a candidates personality trait that may not be readily apparent through their resume or traditional interview questions. It also gives insight into how the individual perceives themselves and the role theyre applying for. For example, if their answer focuses on their creative side but the position is very analytical in nature, the job may not be a good fit.Hiring IT professionals? We can helpREQUEST TALENT6. Can you tell me about a time when things didnt go the way you wanted at work, such as a project that failed or being passed over for a promotion?Everyone deals with professional setbacks at some point in their career. What you want to know is how people handled - and what they learned from - those situations. The best employees are resilient, using setbacks as a springboard toward positive changes. So listen to not only the problem they mention, but also what they did after the disappointment.7. What are your favorite and least favorite technology products, and why?In addition to learning whether prospective employees like the hardware, operating system and software your company uses, this question hel ps you evaluate enthusiasm and knowledge. Do candidates become animated when discussing the advantages and disadvantages of certain tools? Do they admire solid engineering, sleek design, intuitive user experience or another aspect of good technology?8. What are the benefits and the drawbacks of working in an Agile environment?Most IT teams have adopted some form of Agile - currently the favored SDLC methodology - which means lots of quick meetings and a steady stream of feedback from fellow team members. A candidates answer to this question can tell you not only their level of understanding of this popular environment, but also their attitudes toward collaboration and communication.9. Tell me about a tech project youve worked on in your spare time.You want to hire an IT professional who devotes their personal time to side projects. Why? These are people who are driven and curious, which, in turn, keeps their skill set fresh. Ask how they stay motivated, what interests them about t he project and what their ultimate goal is. If they can demo a website or app theyve built, all the better.10. What welches the last presentation you gave?Todays tech workers cant be lone wolves. They have to discuss changes with teammates, coordinate with other departments, advocate for platforms they prefer and much more. While not everyone has to love public speaking, your new hire should be able to conduct research, put together a solid presentation and persuade stakeholders why X is better than Y.11. What are the qualities of a successful team or project leader?Always be on the lookout for leaders, even when youre not hiring for a management position. The nature of IT work means individuals will frequently have to take responsibility for delivering projects, and this requires leadership skills such as organization, motivation, positivity, delegation and communication.12. Are you comfortable working remotely or on a flexible schedule?Many candidates seek workplace benefits such as telecommuting, flextime and a BYOD (bring your own device) policy. Asking this interview question serves as a reminder to candidates that the company offers such perks. Its also a good way of identifying those who might not be a good fit - that is, if your company has a flexible work environment.13. What would you hope to achieve in the first six months after being hired?The answer to this interview question depends on the role. A developer, for example, may hope to have developed a small project during that time, while a tech manager may want to have analyzed internal processes. A candidates response will give you insights into their overall understanding of the position. If their goals and ambitions dont match the job description, this may not be the right position for them.14. How do you manage your work-life balance?With on-call duties and multiple pressing deadlines, some tech workers struggle with the always-on, workaholic culture of this field. While you want dedicated te am members, you should also seek employees who know how to relax and take care of themselves. Burnout is a very real problem in IT, and top performers have good strategies in place to prevent that. As a follow up to their answer, you could talk about how your company supports a healthy work-life balance - something that can be very tempting for candidates with multiple offers.15. Why do you want to work for us?Individuals who truly want the job will have done their research and be able to talk about your companys values, products and services, and approach to technology. If they cant articulate at least a few reasons your company would be a good match for their skills and ambitions, then they havent done their due diligence to properly prepared for the interview - an interview red flag for hiring managers.Remember to allow time at the end of the interview for candidates to ask you questions. This is not only beneficial to applicants - it also clues you in to what matters to them. For instance, you may reconsider your interest in a prospect if they seem overly concerned about salary and vacation accrual during the first interview. Or you may be impressed when someone asks questions that demonstrate their business acumen and thorough understanding of your companys strengths and weaknesses. Tags

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Why Did You Leave How to Address Past Employment

Why Did You Leave How to Address Past EmploymentWhy Did You Leave How to Address Past EmploymentParting can be sorrow if you explain it wrong in your next interview. Here are tips on positioning your resume (and your head) to provide a positive answer to the question Why did you leave?Like any hiring professional worth her salt, Jillian Zavitzs eyebrows go up when she sees short work stints on a resume say, less than three months. Of course shell ask the job seekers to explain.The answers shes received speak volumes.From the professional side The job welchesnt suited to my needs? Fine. I was offered a better opportunity? Youre golden.From the unprofessional side My anfhrer was an ass. They didnt pay me enough. I had problems with the management.Hear that buzzing noise? Its the sound of the paper shredder preparing to destroy your resume and your chances of being hired.Their answers help me determine what kind of person they are, said Zavitz, programs manager responsible for hiring a t, an online English language-training course based in Ottawa, Ontario. Are they easy to get along with? Is it really the boss who is the ass, or is it you? Do they take risks? Was the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity an exchange? An internship? Travel? A lot of people who dont answer the question directly obviously have something to hide. If they stammer and make up a lie (you can tell) it makes me question their credibility, and I usually end up contacting that reference even if they arent listed as a reference.Obviously, answering the Why did you leave? question in a way that reflects negatively on you can be interview poison. Ladders talked to hiring managers, resume writers and career coaches to get some pointers on how you can prepare positive answers to that touchy question. Heres how to position your resume and interview responses to describe bidding a company farewell fondly or otherwise.Tackle it head-onDebra Benton, president of Benton Management Resources , an executive coaching firm, suggests the best way to handle the question is to bring it up first. The trick is to stay away from being defensive by keeping your answer upbeat, Benton said.More like, ?Here I am telling you how wonderful I am, but Im wondering, are you curious why I left XYZ? If they answer, ?No, we know that happens, fine, its taken care of. If they answer, ?Yes, we were wondering, then you can give your thought-out answer, she said.Benton provided this sample of a positive spinXYZ is a great organization, and I enjoyed my time there very much. They felt I was a real contributor to their organization, as evidenced by the two company awards I won. But, as you know, things change New people come in, the economy, a new culture is put in place, and so forth. I could see that my work was done there and I needed to move on. So lets talk more about where/how I can contribute to your organization.Your cover letter and resume can help answer the questionBarbara Safani, owne r of the career-management firm Career Solvers, said she believes your resume should include a reason for the transition under specific circumstances If it were due to a downsizing or other business reason, she said, shell include the transition detail on the resume. Otherwise, if a client left for a political or personal reason, she doesnt include an additional explanation on the resume.The best place to handle the situation is in a cover letter, Benton said. She recommends direct statements likeIt was the right time for me to leave XYZ. I completed (other words could be reduced, presented, solved, accelerated, controlled, executed, established, expanded) my objectives. They benefited from my contribution. Their and my goals and objectives changed, and that is why I left.Safani also coaches clients to lead with a positive statement about the work experience, such as I was fortunate to work for company XYZ for five years, and during that time I contributed to a $20M increase in sal es. Next, she recommends clients explain the reason for the move.If the transition was related to a downsizing, I encourage the client to use language such as ?Unfortunately, a business decision was made to (Here the candidate can explain the situation, whether it was a company closing, office relocation, position elimination, etc.)She also encourages clients to cast the job loss as a part of a bigger corporate picture instead of making it personal. For example, dont say, My position was eliminated. Instead say, MORE THAN X number of positions were eliminated as a result of this business decision.If the reason for the leave was political or personal, I coach the client based on the exact situation, Safani said. For example, if it was political, I may recommend they say that management changed and they wanted to bring in their own team. If it was personal, I may suggest they say that the direction of the position changed and was no longer well-suited for (me).

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Fundamentals of Monster Resume Service Revealed

The Fundamentals of Monster Resume tafelgeschirr Revealed The certification is supplied by the Professional Association of Resume Writers based in america. Deciding on the right resume format is important when you prefer to acquire the compulsory job. Picking out the correct format for employment resume is among the most crucial facets of building a very effective resume. Needless to say, the more personal info and information concerning the employer you provide, the better. The upcoming free job application theme was made in the shape of the brochure. In addition, the website is simple to navigate. There are plenty of sites which provides a Resume contractor facility. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Monster Resume Service In any other instance, you truly will need to adhere to a conventional job application. Create a killer cv use our nearby job search and receive the job that you deserve. If youre on the lookout for work and dont want your existing employer to understan d, its definitely not the most discreet alternative. If it isnt linked to the job which you wish to learn more about, miss it. As an expert review company, our goal is to research thoroughly and supply you with the very best possible top resume writing services reviews. There are a lot of job sites in existence that you ought to choose from, along with job search tools called job finders. There are many resume search sites all over the world and the most important intention of the sites is always to serve the companies by attempting to locate those who possess the appropriate expertise. Deciding on the right resume template wont merely allow you to showcase the very best facets of the experience and techniques, but nevertheless, its also going to focus your concentrate to demonstrating what benefit its possible to offer prospective geschftliches miteinanderes. Obviously, the best method to discover such assistance is if you have a look into the top rated professional resume wr iting services reviews. Start keeping a note book on how much money youve made for your business or how much money youve saved for your organization, etc.. Discover more on the topic of the business enterprise and job youre attempting to get. My site is your very best solution if youre struggling with the decision on which service you need to choose. Where youre able to locate just what you need quickly and easily. StandOut has Been an enormous aid to me in the past year. Resume examples free of charge will help you in a detailed process on methods to compose your resume. When youre ready to pay, there are numerous payment choices out there. A resume isnt merely a must-have paper. Employing a resume template is now a satisfactory and smart practice for a number of explanations. The format has to be of a type at which its likely you must excel in professionalism and dependability. Order today and receive a wonderful discount for your very first paper. An effectively wri tten resume is one that is not so overwhelming within the opinion of employers. If youd like to find a brand-new job, the net is a great learning resource. If you believe your private information may be used fraudulently, please contact your regional specialists. If you think your private information is used fraudulently, please contact the local authorities. The Key to Successful Monster Resume Service Resume writing is the most essential step in presenting your abilities and receiving the job that you desire. Resume layouts are ideal for people which dont possess the art of producing impressive resumes. Ultimately, theres the resume builder that many of people loves while a great deal of people hates. You will have to devote some work to stick out from the crowd. Youre asking for a specific work. A good deal of individuals are competing for exactly the same work, so your resume have to be eye-catching

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Viticulturist at Casella Wines

Nicholas Schirripa - Winemaker/Viticulturist at Casella Wines Nicholas Schirripa Winemaker/Viticulturist at Casella WinesPosted October 27, 2017, by Jenny Sakr The Australian wine industry is going from strength to strength and viticulture students are harvesting the benefits. Nicholas studied wine sciences through Charles Sturt University and is working as a winemaker/viticulturist at Casella Wines (now Casella Family Brands), where he combines his passion for wine with a sound knowledge of the winemaking and selling processes.What did you study and what are the steps you took to be where you are today?Grew up working on family farms, pspecies of that included a vineyard. Worked in a winery Laboratory for 14 months as well as 3 harvests (Vintages) working in a winery cellar. I studied Bachelor of Wine Science (Oenology) and Viticulture and Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga.What did you want to be when you were younger?There were a few jobs I dreamt of having just like any young boy with a wild imagination, however growing up on an osortiment orchard always brought me back to wanting to become a farmer.What was your first job?My first job was working on the family farm doing various jobs such as tractor work, farm maintenance and harvesting fruit. Growing up working on the family farms exposed me to an extensive diverse sortiment of vineyard (wine grapes), cereal crop, fruit and vegetable cultivation practices.When did you first know you wanted to take this career path?I first knew I wanted to go down this career path when a close family friend (also a winemaker) had me along on work experience when I was 15 years old to see what a day in the life of a winemaker involved. As soon as I started walking through the winery, I knew this is what I needed to be doing.Tell us what typical day one the vineyard is like...During Vintage (Harvest, Winemaker) When vintage is underway, typically from January until April / May, is considered the most important part of t he year ensuring fruit is harvested at optimal quality and sugar level which determines the resulting wine. A typical day would be looking at the incoming fruit on winery schedules determining ongoing processing allocations (conditions pending) on incoming juice allowing the liquid to be clean in specification and ready for fermentation in a timely manner. Next would be check, assess and taste current ferments including juice being processed and track progress ensuring the current state is acceptable, healthy and if required issue work accordingly to support process specifications. Throughout the rest of the day, time would be spent monitoring intake, liaising with other winery staff (Laboratory and Cellar) ensuring processes are being executed efficiently and as required. During Vintage (Harvest, Viticulturalist) As a Viticulturalist during harvest, generally early rising to organise the sampling of vineyards in order to determine fruit maturity, winery intake scheduling and qu ality parameters. Intake schedulers and winemakers require data and quality markers to create plans with adequate lead time so growers can be notified and winery staffed accordingly. Once sampling plans are in place, begin on the road to assess and monitor the progress of the grape growing season and fruit maturation. In addition, I liaise with growers to provide support and if required, assess fruit and batch if conditions become unfavourable and fruit quality is being compromised.Post-Harvest (Winemaker) Once harvest is complete, a typical day could include anything from writing work orders to move wine around the winery as to blend, make additions, filter, clarify, fine and/or carry out trial work on all types of wines. This is in addition to laboratory/blending trials which are carried out by winemakers to classify and allocate wines to specific brands or markets to satisfy what is required by the customer to ultimately make a glass of resulting wine successful and of the upmos t quality. Time could also be spent attending industry meetings to discuss recent harvests or new technologies whether that be for the vineyard or winery. Alternatively, time can be spent taking various guests around the Casella Family Brands winery site in Yenda to showcase how the winery works and bottling facilities to exhibit to people a day in the life at the Yenda site.Whats the most interesting thing thats happened to you in your career?One of the most interesting things that happened to me so far is being awarded the 2014 Royal Sydney Wine Scholarship, being a national scholarship with such a large range of applicants, this really gave me the confidence in my own abilities moving forward. Compounding onto this fact, attending the wine show, judging for a day, stewarding and attending master classes throughout the course of the week at such a young age really jump-started my learning and appreciation for the Australian Wine Industry. Almost every day being in this job there is always something interesting taking place. I am very lucky to be working with a company that houses such a diverse range of labels which is then further broken down into amazingly diverse vineyard locations. Since I first started working in my current role at CFB, there has been an extensive acquirement of highly respected, iconic ranges of Australian wine brands and vineyards alike. As a winemaker, to be exposed to such a large range of fruit and wine sources allows a Winemaker and/or Viticulturalist to understand the climate and soils of different regions and how the resulting wine can enhance a blend or show such attractive attributes as an individual wine.Name the best and worst parts of your jobThe best parts about my job are definitely being exposed to such a large array of wine styles and fruit from which the wine is made. Especially when I can go from being a Winemaker and when required get out amongst the vineyards and interact with growers on a regular basis. In my cur rent role, working for a large company allows oneself to interact with an extensive range of people with many different backgrounds, intellectual strengths and life stories. This offers endless knowledge, learning opportunities and appreciation to hear and compare other peoples experiences with your own, it allows you to compare where you have been and where it is you want to see yourself in the future. Sometimes there can be some quite long days and nights especially during harvest but that comes with the territory. There are really no worst parts of my job, everything is a learning curve, I enjoy what I do and people who love wine appreciate what I do therefore results pay off exponentially when the job is done right. An added bonus of wine industry personnel is the chance to judge at wine shows, this adds a different spectrum to self-development being able to appreciate wines from around the country as well as capturing market structure and trends in wine styles. Getting to meet new people on the wine show course adds incredible value as well allowing for networking and to get perspective on different regions encompassing overall status of the Australian Wine Industry.Whats the most important career tip someone has given you?Learn and love what you do and do both to the best of your ability, this allows you to work and make decisions with confidence and never stop wanting to learn. These attributes, in turn, allows quick adaptability and help you evolve to new and ever-changing environments.What do you wish someone had told you before starting in this industry?Nothing at all, its good not knowing what comes next.Where do people have to start to get into this field?From personal experience, having a strong understanding or interest for science is a bonus as most things you will learn at school or university require science, especially biology and chemistry. In Australia, a University degree in Wine Science (Oenology) is required to practice the art of winem aking and a degree in Viticulture to become a Viticulturalist. Growing up on family farms compounded with living in a wine grape growing region of Australia allowed me to be exposed to knowledge and industry at a young age. This, along with theory learnt at school and following that, University really helped me gain sound knowledge and a depth of understanding that I would have not achieved if I had not had exposure to before.What grape is your personal favourite?Shiraz. It is versatile as a plant as it can survive variable weather conditions and as a wine, if treated properly, can be both individually a magnificent varietal and also blended with certain varieties.Name a career highlightLast year I did a vintage (harvest) in the North of Italy in the Treviso (Prosecco) region, it gave me the opportunity to learn how to make some amazing Italian wines. As well as learn the culture and gain perspective and different types of winemaking practices with some beautiful Italian varieties. If you fancy yourself working in the wine industry, why not study an online course in Science or Viticulture?Viticulture ResourcesEnvironmental manager sample resumeEnvironmental manager sample cover letterInterested in becoming a?ViticulturistFood ScientistOneologistWinemakerViticulture Farm ManagerPopular Career Searcheshow to become an ecologist in australiahow to become a gardener in australiasustainability courses onlinewhat qualification needed for mining careerbachelor of environmental science wildlife and conservation biologyViticulture CoursesBachelor of Engineering (Civil and Environmental) HonoursEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMaster of Environmental ScienceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Science (Environmental Management)Enquire Online Enquire Online Jenny SakrJenny found her way with words while interning during uni, since, shes produced articles on it all from hair and beauty to homewares, travel, career advice and study tips. On a weekend youre most likely to find her lining up for a table at the latest cafe or restaurant.Related ArticlesBrowse moreCharles Sturt University (CSU)WORKFORCE TRENDSAgriculture What does the future hold?How will a growing global population feed itself? Thats the question facing the agriculture industry. We discussed the potential solutions with two of CSUs agricultural academic experts.AgricultureBen Weber - Senior Analyst, PPB AdvisoryI enjoyed economics at school and spent every holiday and my first year after school working on my uncles property in the Riverina so it agribusiness was just a marriage of the two really.AgricultureA different kind of hay feverWe chat to Rohan Brill, a Research and Development Agronomist for the NSW Department of Primary Industries, about why he chose a career in Agriculture.